March Marvel Previews

Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Premiere HC

The Dark Knight

March DC Previews

by Bryan Hitch (Artist), Mark Millar (Writer)

Review by Brian Grindrod

It's been a while since I read a Fantastic Four story where the setting was molded in the manner that Stan Lee & Jack Kirby created the franchise. Instead of constantly delving in the past to get the fanboys all hot and bothered over inane trivialities while catering to immature nine year olds, Millar presents the Fantastic Four the way they are intended to.  The last time the Fantastic Four was this well written was when Mark Waid was aboard. The Fantastic Four meeting 'The King' is one of all my time favorites.

Doctor Doom and the Masters of Evil #1

February Marvel Previews

Some readers and fans may question The Human Torch's turning a blind eye to the activities of his girlfriend but stealing money from banks and heisting diamonds is hardly what I would a call a crime considering how much they steal from us while the financial institutions have spiraled our countries into a deep recession. Plus, it keeps faithful to the rock star persona and characterization of Johnny Storm. 

While some of the concepts that Millar presents are reimaginations by those that Warren Ellis expanded on with The Authority, it works quite well in the framework of a Fantastic Four saga. Millar writes scripts that works to the strengths and styling of Bryan Hitch.  Nobody can present future or advanced technology like this artist.  The splash pages are always  worth paying attention to with details and cinematic vision that is still years ahead of its time. 

Secret Invasion: Dark Reign #1

February DC Previews

I have grown rather tired from the overexposure of villains like Red Skull and Magneto but I quite enjoyed Dr. Doom's involvement in this epic.  The final page is just pure Victor at his best.... or should that be worst? I hope that Marvel republishes this edition in the manner all Bryan Hitch projects should be; that is,  in an oversized edition. 

7 stars out of 10

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