January Marvel Previews

Foolkiller #1

Writer - Gregg Hurwitz
Art - Lan Medina
Colorist - Andy Troy

Review by Perry Taliaferro

I’ll cut right to the chase here. After reading this book, the most recent title in the MAX line, I had my ending statement for this review within seconds. I was going to borrow a classic Mr. T line – “I pity the Fool that buys this comic”, but to be honest, any reviewer over the age of 30 will probably use the same line. How could you not? I mean whenever I see the word “fool” I think of that line made famous by the Mohawk sporting, former bodyguard. Add in a pitiful attempt at producing a comic, and the two are made to be together.

I pity the fool … I pity the Foolkiller. Yep, made for each other.

I really shouldn’t even bother with a review for this issue. I feel, much like the issue in question, uninspired, so keep that in mind when this review tanks … also, much like this issue did.

My fast summation of the plot (as I do not want to spend too much time reliving what I just read). We start with an ex-NFL player who is now an “enforcer” for a gambling ring. His job is to collect what money is owed to his employer. One day, he collects $120,000 from a “client” but decides to keep $40,000. His employer is, of course, pissed, so he sends in other “enforcers” to collect the missing $40,000 . They beat the snot out of this guy until he tells them where the money is hidden. Of course he tells them that it is at his house. His house, where his wife and two daughters live. Yeah, sounds like a smart thing to do huh? Anyway, these guys go kill his wife and youngest daughter. Luckily, the eldest daughter is already in the hospital needing a transplant, so she was not home. *ahem*, moving on.

Our ex-NFL player goes to see his remaining daughter at the hospital. The dialog between our pitiful, ex-NFL star and the surviving daughter (Whom I bet, if she could read this issue, would wish she would have died as well) was trite and very unrealistic. It was horrible. Dialog from Hell.

Anyway … our main character starts to follow some leads on this “Foolkiller” that has been going around killing all of these “bad” people, and of course he, not the cops, locate him. End issue 1.

Now while this issue did nothing for me, it wasn’t all bad. It is not like I walked outside and stepped in a big, steaming pile of “Foolkiller”. The art was decent enough. But what little good there was in this issue was drowned by the majority of bad. With two great MAX titles out there (Punisher and Terror Inc.) this title is, to say the least, the weakest of the bunch.

I already preordered the next 3 issues (lucky me) so perhaps, just maybe, the next issue will be better, hey it can happen. I am hoping so.

As I will not use my Mr. T reference, I will close with this … while I don’t feel like a fool for spending my money on this issue, I don’t feel very wise either.

3 out of 10 B.A. Baracus'


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